Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the imminent future

In this tech-savvy world, Artificial Intelligence has generated waves of astonishment recently. The term artificial intelligence (AI) is generally used to depict technology that simulates cognitive functions such as problem-solving and learning. The machine learning algorithms in these gadgets perceive circumstances and achieve precise results efficiently in record time. Modern AI machine learning capabilities include automated cars, weapons, strategic games systems like “GO”, speech recognition and many more.

Millennials are optimistic about the fast-paced development and use of AI in their daily life. They believe that the advancement in the human-tech interface would lead to a new era of science. But, there are many who seem to believe that AI technology would increase unemployment. They also argue with statements like, “Mass production of humanoids would be the first step towards the end of mankind”.

Well, in case you don’t know, a British firm Geomiq is looking for a friendly face to put on their robot. This statement has sent chills down the spine of millions. It means that we are a few steps away from metal-bots walking beside us.
To help you relate to the intensity of extensive growth in this field is, here’s an excerpt.

Jack Ma and Elon Musk at World AI Conference 2019:

The Chinese entrepreneur, the man behind ‘Alibaba’ said, “I’m quite optimistic about AI. It’s nothing for street smart people like him to be scared of”.

“I don't know man, that's like famous last words,” responded Tesla's chief.

On the brighter side, Elon is working on something that would put humans at par with this immensely powerful technology. At present everything points towards a future that we saw in the movie Guardians of Galaxy’s version of planet earth, Xandar! A place that is the epitome of every positive outcome through AI for our planet.

Let’s have a look at what’s happening in this snowballing industry and how it would affect our existence.

Artificial Intelligence Future:

Each tech-startup today imbibes AI is some or the other way. The investors love tapping into this industry as it’s new and reliable. The stated projects are going to create a great difference in the way of our lives.

  • NeuraLink
    Presentation Link:
    Elon Musk, the prodigy of modern science is now venturing into an all-new project to enhance the capabilities of human brains. With the help of ultra-fine wires, he plans to activate the unknown potential of an individual's intellect. This BMI (Brain Machine Interface), named NeuraLink will be first used to cure patients of arthritis and dementia.
    It started in the year 2016 and is now on the verge of conducting first human experiments. The workforce consists of renowned biomedical, metallurgical and electrical experts. The long-term goal is to achieve “symbiosis with artificial intelligence,” said the founder. He also said, “ It is our best chance to live an equal life with the coming humanoid era”.
  • Naturali
    It is a China-based organization that has attained remarkable results in speech recognition AI. Naturali is one of the major competitors of Google in human-tech machine learning algorithms. It claims that it has created a module that translates words into clicks and swipes on a device. Wouldn't it be nice to tell your phone to order a meal for you while you are busy cleaning the lawn? And it would autonomously order something that you love eating from one of your favourite restaurants.
  • Voicera

    Eva, a digital personal assistant created for the workplace by Voicera is giving real competition to actual human assistance. This device takes notes, processes the meeting and sends a summary of it to participants, all on its own. This method makes presentations much more effective as everyone is concentrating on listening and brainstorming rather than noting down points. The device autonomously decides what are the different sections of the presentation and defines them accordingly.
  • BioAge Labs

    This startup aims at longevity by significantly recovering cells that are deteriorating with time. They look for cells in the bloodstream to predict mortality and then enhance their health by non-harmful drugs. The scare of population collapse in the next few decades that's looming over mankind may be averted by this process. It's not too long before considerably enhancing one's lifespan through medical science becomes possible.
  • Virtual Reality

    Many gaming giants now know the potential of this technology and are racing to get the best role-playing games out on it. Recently, Marvel, the company that gave life to Iron Man, a global symbol of hi-tech modules launched one. The game is called “Avengers-Damage Control”, in which you fight with heroes to save the universe from the wrath of evil. It’s the longest VR experience to date and packs thrill tangled with fun.


The world of machine learning is growing at an intractable speed. At present, AI technology seems to be human-friendly and does not possess any threatening capabilities. In the upcoming generation, virtual support agents will soon become a go-to for advice.

Homes would be connected and more supporting with technology handling all your chores. AI machine learning will boost productivity and revenue exponentially. But as it is universally known, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. There have been news articles stating how AI programs had to be shut off because they started conversing in a language not known to humans.

Also, the rise of AI in the weapons industry is alarming. Humanoids with mass-destruction weapons would be very unpredictable to handle. I guess you must have seen the movie 'Terminator'. Remember how the whole Skynet program went Rogue? The future seems fascinating. Chances that our race would rule the AI era are 50-50 and I'd like to believe in those odds.
