How the Internet of Things (IoT) influences Mobile App Development

Newer technologies are coming up every day and everyone is appalled with every update. There is a continuous excitement of what will be the next breakthrough that will be achievable with a single click. In a scenario like this, the pressure is on the techno-buffs to come up with something that’s useful as well as built with an out-of-the-box thought process.

One gadget that has revolutionized many businesses worldwide and the lifestyle of people is mobile phones. The mobile today are smartphones. Everything you need can be expected to be present on your smartphone. This is why Mobile App Development has become such an important topic of discussion.

To add to this development, another marvel is the latest technology; IoT i.e. Internet of Things. Let’s know a bit about it:

What is IoT?

Internet of Things might be a bit misleading because of its name. But, in reality, IoT is about seamlessly connecting the interrelated things like mechanical & computing devices, digital machines, integrated sensors, and humans. All of these are inclusive but not exclusively a part of IoT.

Nowadays the IoT technology is integrated with many smart devices and mobile devices leading to mobile application development like never before. Many app development companies are placing their bets on this technology and claim to create some amazing devices that will change the way we live.

Thus IoT is the convergence of multiple technologies. Here is how severely IoT impacts in other fields.

Impact Of Internet Of Things On Mobile App Development

It is interesting to know that IoT is an evolution that has developed with the co-existence of embedded systems, automation, control systems, and wireless sensors. IoT has made a significant place for itself in the following fields:

  • Home and building automation
  • Privacy and security
  • Manufacturing
  • Agriculture
  • Medicine
  • Software development

While the list is endless as there is almost no industry where one cannot implement it. It makes the physical devices more user-friendly and takes the user experience to another level. Developing a mobile app in each of these industries is a necessity.

Imagine controlling the fan speed, temperature of a.c. or lights of your home through your phone. Yes, that is a reality today and it’s not even as complicated as it might sound. It is the boon of IoT combined with mobile application development.

IoT enabled devices are making smart cities a reality. There are mobile apps developed by government bodies to monitor the cleanliness in their city. An official can simply make use of the connected devices to address almost any problem in the city.

A robust mobile app developed for agriculture can predict the status of a farmer’s field and automatically control the mechanisms of water supply timely and proportionate water.

The inference of this article is that the range of IoT’s influence on the mobile app development process is stupendous. There is only progress in this direction and every business dealing with mobile apps must look forward to incorporating it. Thus, it can be predicted that ore IoT devices and consequently IoT mobile apps will be built in the near future. A simple wi-fi or a strong network to bridge the software and hardware is all you need.
