Quick Guide: Agile Methodology Decrypted!

Agile methodology is a practice that promotes constant adjustments of outcomes after testing throughout the software development process. This assists in quality improvement and takes comparatively much less time. It’s completely opposite of the waterfall method where entire workflow and testing occur consecutively.

The agile model of working involves sprints, that enables an iterative process whereas the waterfall model only enables end-product testing. Chances of the whole development process failing are considerably higher in waterfall than the agile framework.

The agile model for the project management process that is mainly used for development purposes emphasizes on 4 core principles. They are:
  • Interactions on work modules, both individual and team.
  • Collaborated contract negotiation with clients.
  • Comprehensive documentation.
  • Enables swift changes to workflow and plans.
The agile framework consists of many terminologies. All of them share common principles but the working characteristics differ. Here's a quick guide to the major modules of this technique.


In agile technology, the word scrum refers to the practice of process management and flexible assessment of plans. This module enables better coordination and functioning for efficient completion of the project by dividing work into small organized teams. The roles that daily scrums facilitate are:
  • Product Owner:This represents the client/customer's side of the product.
  • Development Team:The employees behind the development and designing of the product.
  • Scrum Master:The leading employee that ensures swift execution of the entire plan.

Product Backlog

This is the box of tasks that is administered by the product owner and also a manager at times. The team can request to add requirements, modifications, and deletion. It all is prioritized by the admin to make it all easy to handle.


Kanban is another methodology used to prioritize work. It was developed to ease the task of managing workflow on a holistic level. Scrum is time-based whereas this agile methodology is based on priorities. It's similar to a list where the complete team can plan the process of a project and administer the outcomes accordingly.

For example, a developer will build a module as per client requirements and then transfer the task to the testers list. He/She then will test and suggest changes if any. Once the tester completes his/her task, it would be transferred to the Project Managers list.

The project manager would then finalize the product and get the client’s response. If it passes, the task would be entirely cleared from the backlog. In case there are changes required, the same procedure would be followed again from the beginning.

This method isn't preferred over scrum because sometimes not knowing the entire product requirement can create issues. Though it's best for projects that do not need much explanation beforehand, like bug fixation.

XP (Extreme Programming)

This is a technique that delivers rapid results in parts. Instead of delivering the final outcome, extreme programming technology enables short development cycles. It's mostly used with scrum and provides the option to keep the whole process dynamic. It is similar to developing a program sitting right beside the client.

This agile technique is based on the following values:
  • Clarity: This module assists in easy planning alongside simple designing. It also facilitates small releases with the provision of client acceptance tests. The feedback of the owner enhances the courage and overall morale of your team. This significantly boosts productivity.
  • Multiple Tasking: This agile model provides your developer to conduct test-driven production in pairs. The elements such as continuous integration and refactoring assist in the delivery of a quality product at a sustainable pace. It also enables collective code ownership which remarkably empowers your developers to put in extra efforts.

DSDM (Dynamic System Development Method)

This technique was developed in the ‘90s but still is one of the most efficient agile methodologies. This model assists in developing 75% of the system in a mere 18% of the regular time. The principles that bound this agile software development process are frequent delivery with active user involvement and integrated testing. DSDM ensures quality outcomes as it uses a ‘fitness for business’ approach.

FDD (Feature Driven Development)

This is a shape or element-based agile technique. It facilitates a short iteration process and assists in model-driven development. Clients like the FDD model of working because of its ability to ease the workflow of building small and useful extensions. The practices that make this agile framework remarkable are inspections, component & class ownership, domain modelling and visible progress on regular builds.

To conclude, the agile methodology is a vast subject and adopting it requires in-depth knowledge of the intricacies involved. Nearly every software company globally uses this agile model of working in some form or the other. It assists in maintaining focus on the swift delivery of quality products. It also minimizes risks by manifolds and empowers your workforce by giving them confidence. An agile methodology with strategic planning gives your company a significant edge in the market. Transparency between the client and the development team is a must-have benefit in this millennial software-driven world.
