For Enterprise Application Development: Java or Python?


Various programming languages exist to facilitate the development of applications for investment or business purposes. Getting the most from using a programming language is important to make good on your investment. Two technologies that will not disappoint are Java and Python. 

One particularly appealing option is seeking help from a Python or Java web application development company. Both these languages are popular and have been taking turns to top popularity charts. So, which one should you use?

Since you can’t choose both, which one will be the best. Well, picking a language will greatly depend upon which one has more advantages for your particular development. Let’s compare the two of them to get a clear picture of what they entail. 

1.Static Typing

2.Parallel Programming

3.Performance and Speed


5.Cross-Platform Support

6.Mobile Development


8.Learning Curve 


Java is a programming language that earns its spot as one of the most popular programming languages. There are several benefits of using Java and any requirement has a solution when using Java software development services

But, if requirements are specifically pointing to Python, this technology is able to deliver to your needs too. Get in touch with our experts at Narola Infotech who would discern the specific needs of your project. They can clearly state the programming language, technologies, and framework to use.
